How do you build a Cathedral? - An official blog discussing the future of Christchurch Cathedral.

1 August 2014 - we need your help!

You may have seen Peter Whitehead’s article in The Ringing World (2014, p. 750) about our plans to build a small tower made from shipping containers to house the lightest 6 of our bells for ringing. The scheme will help us to bring ringing back to the City at last after the devastating earthquake of February 2011 in which the Cathedral tower fell to the ground.

TRF Concept drawing

TRF Concept drawing     TRF Concept drawing     TRF Concept drawing

Concept drawings for the Christchurch Transitional Ringing Facility

It is likely to be many years before the fate of the old Cathedral is known. So our Transitional Ringing Facility will enable us to develop our existing team and to teach a new band in readiness for a time when all 14 bells can be put to use again.

The ringers are tasked with raising the entire $230,000 required to build the tower. We appreciate that some people gave to our cause back in 2011 and this money has been put to good use to repair the bells.  So we now ask you or your group to consider a donation towards the cost of building our tower.

Christchurch Cathedral bellringers' money box

The Christchurch Cathedral bellringers' ringing room money box amongst the rubble

Donations can be made via ANZAB's General Donations Fund. Please specify that your donation is for Christchurch. These donations are not tax-deductible. Donations received via the General Donations Fund may attract a 50% top-up from ANZAB-sourced funds, so for every dollar you are able to donate we receive $1.50. Please contact the David Pacey, to make your donation.

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Christchurch faces many challenges as the city rebuilds. The Cathedral was at the heart of the city, and the bells were its voice. The bells were rescued from the rubble, reconditioned by Taylor's and returned to the city. The tower construction uses the ubiquitous shipping container of transitional Christchurch. The new treble is a memorial to those who died. The recast number 5 bell, the tenor of the transitional ring, is inscribed to remind us that Christchurch is standing tall and staying strong. ANZAB is proud to stand behind our community in Christchurch by supporting the Transitional Ringing Facility.

Matthew Sorell, ANZAB President

June 2014 - images courtesy of Mandy Spearing

Christchurch Transitional Ringing Facility logo

Our Transitional Ringing Facility logo
click this and other June 2014 images for a better view

Christchurch Cathedral Bells at Taylor's Bellfoundry

The 13 bells of Christchurch Cathedral, with their new companion at front right, at Taylor's Bellfoundry and ready to return home

Christchurch Cathedral new bell 0

The new Bell 0, in memory of those who died in the 2011 earthquake.

Christchurch Cathedral bells in shipping container

Yes, there are bells in there!

Christchurch Cathedral Bells

The Seven and the Eight

Looking back - some recently released images

Christchurch Cathedral Treble bell before refurbishment

The Treble, before refurbishment.

Christchurch Cathedral bell 2 before refurbishment

The Second, before refurbishment.

Christchurch Cathedral bell 3 before refurbishment

The Three, before refurbishment.

Christchurch Cathedral bell 4 before refurbishment

The Four, before refurbishment.

Christchurch Cathedral bell 5 before refurbishment

The Five, before refurbishment.

14 December 2013

Just received wonderful photos from Kate Flavell of the casting at Taylors. She was joined by 3 firemen from Leicestershire Fire and Rescue Services who had been to Christchurch to help after the quake. How cool is that? (Mandy Spearing)

Christchurch Bell at Taylor's Foundry

Christchurch bell and supporters at Taylor's Foundry

The Christchurch bell was cast the same day as two bells for Katoomba. How cool is that?!

Christchurch and Katoomba bells

Christchurch bell (left), with Katoomba 2nd and treble

Katoomba bells

15 August 2013

The Christchurch Transitional (Cardboard) Cathedral was dedicated officially on Thursday, 15 August 2013.

Christchurch Cardboard Cathedral

Bridgit Anderson / AFP - Getty Images

2 October 2012

The Thirteen Christchurch Cathedral bells after arrival at Taylor's Bellfoundry:

13 bells at Taylors
click the image for a better view

Taylor's will start work removing the headstocks sometime after 12 October. They have 35 bells awaiting headstock removal.

Here is a link to an interview with Simon Adams from Taylor’s, on Radio NZ on 2 October 2012.

19 September 2012

At Taylor's

At Taylor's

At Taylor's

11 September 2012

At sea

6 August 2012


30 July 2012


23 July 2012


16 July 2012

Hamilton Island

9 July 2012

Postcard from the bells

2 July 2012

A message from the Christchurch Cathedral bells:

We are packed and sail on the 4th July tide - we will keep you updated on our adventure when we are arrive in UK.

Christchurch bells  Christchurch bells  Christchurch bells  Christchurch bells