Australian and New Zealand Association of Bellringers Limited
ABN 94 939 034 781


Please use this online form to let us know you are making a donation to the ANZAB General Donations Fund, and your preference as to how it is used.

When you have completed the form you can submit it electronically to the ANZAB Treasurer and make your payment by direct bank transfer. We would prefer you to use this option.

Alternatively, you can complete the form online, print it and post it to the Treasurer together with your cheque.

Please answer the following two questions, then click Begin.

1. Which payment option did you or do you wish to use?

Direct Bank Transfer    Cheque

You may also wish to express a preference as to how your donation is applied.

2. Do you wish to express a preference?    Yes    No


To continue, please select the appropriate options above, then click Begin, and complete and Submit the form.

In relation to a donation of A$ [amount] made by me on [date] to the ANZAB General Donations Fund by [my selected payment option],

I understand that the donation is not tax-deductible, and that it will be used for projects or events that further ANZAB's objectives, taking into account my expressed preference, if any.

To continue, please select the appropriate options above, then click Begin, and complete and Submit the form.

Postal Address:*
email address*:
confirm email address:

Fields marked * must be completed to allow us to issue a receipt.

Payment can be made either by direct bank transfer or by cheque.  Details for each option are given below.

Please transfer your donation to

BSB: 033 059
Bank: Westpac - Malvern, Victoria
Account number: 608783
Account name: ANZAB General Donations Fund
Reference: Your surname and postcode

Complete the Information form online.

Please make your cheque payable to "ANZAB General Donations Fund".

Complete the form online, then print it. Post the cheque and the completed form to:

The Treasurer
Australian and New Zealand Association of Bellringers Limited
27 King William Road
North Adelaide
SA 5006