Gender-based statistics update 2024

As I have become better at using the functionality within BellBoard, I have extended the ANZAB peal stats, as recorded on BellBoard, back to 2014. Excluding 2019, there have been 15 to 37 ANZAB peals each year. These low numbers make it difficult to pick a trend in the peal figures. However, we can celebrate 2023 as only the second year in the last decade to have more than one peal with a female conductor. The quarter-peal numbers are higher and we can be more confident in saying that the percentage of female ringers in QPs has not yet shown an uptick, but there is a signal that the proportion of female conductors may be increasing.

heatmap showing key figures from tables
The stronger the red, the poorer the partipication figures for women.

I present here the 8-ringer peals and quarter-peals for 2023 and compare it to our target, the expected shape of the graph once men and women are represented equally as ringers and conductors.

bar chart

bar chart

bar chart

As always, these figures are subject to correction. I would be happy to have someone check them or add to them.

Deryn Griffiths, March 2024

Gender-based statistics update 2023

An update of the statistics continues much the same story as before.

heatmap showing key figures from tables
The stronger the red, the poorer the partipication figures for women.

Going through the QPs for 2022 there was much to celebrate. For example, 8-bell quarter-peals with female conductors tripled from 3 in 2021 to 9 in 2022. The following graphs show the gender split of ringers for ANZAB QPs with 6 ringers in 2022, with a comparison to the same graph for 2021. As you can see, the gender balance improved in 2022, while still leaving substantial room for improvement.

bar chart

bar chart

As always, these figures are rough. I would be happy to have someone check them or add to them.

Deryn Griffiths, January 2023

Gender-based statistics update 2022

An update of the statistics continues much the same story as before. We do not expect a quick change, but the QP figures are the first place we can hope to see a reflection of any changed practices.

heatmap showing key figures from tables
The stronger the red, the poorer the partipication figures for women.

Congratulations to Margaret Weatherby of Lismore. Her conducting 9 QPs of Singles at Lismore in 2021 was a substantial contribution to the number of QPs conducted by women.

Going through the QPs for 2021 there was much to celebrate. However the under-representation of women as conductors continues to be stark. The following graphs show the gender split of ringers for ANZAB QPs with 6 and 8 ringers respectively in 2021. As you can see, increasing the number of women in each QP by one (on average) would make the graphs look a lot more symmetric. A much larger step change is required to ensure we are utilising women suitably as conductors.

bar chart

bar chart

A reminder that unconcious bias needs to be considered at general practices. Are women given every opportunity to ring, ring heavier bells and conduct? Is the atmosphere in the tower welcoming to all? Then, in putting together a QP band, consider whether there are women, not yet invited, who could equally well be part of the band given the aim of the QP.

As before, these figures are rough. I would be happy to have someone check them or add to them.

Deryn Griffiths, April 2022

Gender-based statistics (2021)

In 2018, almost half of ANZAB members were female. However, in ANZAB quarter-peals only 38% of ringers were female, and in our peals only 25% of ringers were female. If you count people who conducted at least one quarter-peal, 22% were female, but they called less frequently than men, and only 8% of ANZAB quarter-peals were conducted by women. None of the 19 ANZAB peals in 2018 had female conductors.

Key figures are shown below. The data is based on AGM reports, reports in Ringing Towers and on BellBoard, guessing gender based on name where necessary.

heatmap showing key figures from tables
The stronger the red, the poorer the partipication figures for women.

If people can add to these statistics please contact the

Woman ringing