While most of ANZAB's members are bellringers, anyone with an interest in bells and bellringing is welcome to join.

On this page you will find information about:

Why join ANZAB?

The Australian and New Zealand Association of Bellringers was formed in 1962, incorporating the New South Wales Association of Change Ringers founded in 1946, to promote the art of change ringing. There are currently around 500 members who ring at more than 65 change ringing bell towers throughout Australia and New Zealand.

Attendees at the 2022 ANZAB Ringing Festival, Sydney, NSW

Ringers at the 2022 ANZAB Ringing Festival held in Sydney, New South Wales

Our activities and services include:

ANZAB is a gateway to the world-wide community of bellringers and a life-long learning experience.

Categories of ANZAB Membership

The following table summarises membership categories, the details of which may be found in the Constitution of ANZAB Limited.

Category Qualifications Entitlements
(formerly known as a Ringing Member)
A person who is a resident of Australia or New Zealand at the time of their election, who supports the purposes of ANZAB, who agrees to comply with the ANZAB’s constitution, and who
  • has rung, unaided
    • a plain course of any treble dominated minor method, or
    • the extent of any doubles method on an 'inside' tower bell, or
    • an extent of any minor method two-in-hand
  • or
  • has been an active ringer for at least 12 months
  • or
  • in special circumstances, has been declared eligible for membership by resolution of the directors
and has paid the required subscription.
  • a subscription to Ringing Towers
  • access to the Members' Section of the website
  • eligible to ring in peals rung for ANZAB
  • may vote at meetings of the Company
  • may become an officer of the Company
  • may certify the ringing qualifications of an applicant Member
  • may nominate an Associate Member
Honorary Life Member A Member having rendered substantial service to the Exercise and been elected to Honorary Life Membership at an AGM.
Associate Member
(includes those formerly known as a Provisional Member)
A person who is not currently qualified to be a Member, who supports the purposes of ANZAB, who agrees to comply with ANZAB’s constitution

and has paid the required subscription.
  • a subscription to Ringing Towers
  • access to the Members' Section of the website
  • eligible to ring in peals rung for ANZAB, in accordance with the rules as set out on the performances web page
Honorary Associate Member An Associate Member who has rendered substantial service to the Exercise in Australia and New Zealand and has been elected to Honorary Associate Membership at an AGM.


Applying for Membership

  • For Members and resident Associate Members, membership matters are usually handled through their local tower in New Zealand or Australia.
  • Applicants for Membership or resident Associate Membership may apply or be nominated at any time by a Ringing Member or Honorary Life Member (usually a member of the tower to which the candidate is attached or of a tower in which he/she has rung), who shall personally certify that the candidate has the necessary qualifications. Online forms for this purpose are available on the Members' section of the website.
  • Non-Resident Associate Members may be nominated immediately before a peal attempt in which the majority of the band are ANZAB Members, and the nomination may be made by one of those members. An online form for this purpose is available on the Members' section of the website.
  • Non-Resident Associate Members may apply to become Members, and vice versa, subject to changes in their residency status.

  • Further details of the application and nomination requirements for the above membership categories are set out in the ANZAB Constitution.

  • To view the Application forms you need to be a full Member and logged on to the Members' section.

  • Honorary Life Members and Honorary Associate Members are nominated and elected in accordance with the Constitution.

Membership Subscriptions

  • ANZAB Membership Subscriptions are reviewed at the Annual General Meeting. The rates below were ratified at the 2024 AGM, and apply from 1 July 2024.
  • Resident Members and Associate Members pay subscriptions in Australian dollars or New Zealand dollars, according to their place of residence.
  • The ANZAB subscription year runs from 1 July to 30 June.
  • Subscriptions are due on 1 July. Renewal notices are sent out after the AGM but before 30 June, and tower and branch officers are asked to collect subscriptions and return renewal forms as soon as they reasonably can.
  Ringing Towers format and delivery options
Membership Type in electronic form only in electronic and printed form (bulk posted to home tower) in electronic and printed form (posted individually)
Member A$20 or
A$30 or NZ$30 A$40 or NZ$40
Associate Member
Associate Member
by arrangement by arrangement
Honorary Life Member nil nil nil
Honorary Associate Member
Discounted subscriptions for:
Associate Member
expecting to become a Member

(formerly a Provisional Member)

The discounted fee applies to the joining year (if a part year) and up to one full calendar year.
A$10 or NZ$10 A$20 or NZ$20 A$30 or NZ$30
Senior Member
(75 years and over at 1 July)
Junior Member
(under 21 years at 1 July)

Members and Associates are encouraged to add a voluntary donation to their subscription. This donation is tax deductible for Australian tax payers (please ask for a receipt for tax purposes).

For separate Ringing Towers subscriptions, see the Ringing Towers web page.

Nomination and Change of Status procedures

Any current ANZAB Member may nominate new Members or Associate Members by using the relevant forms on the Members’ section of this website.

In the case of any change of status, such as a change of address, tower, phone or email, please email the

Please email the or the if you are thinking of nominating someone for Honorary Life Membership or Honorary Associate Membership, to discuss the relevant procedure, noting that a lead time applies to such nominations.


© Andrew Treloar