First posted: 19 August 2017

Bells for St George's, Ypres, Belgium

At the Loughborough Bell Foundry's Open Day on 29 July 2017, the 8 bells destined for St George's Memorial Church in Ypres were on prominent display. Two ANZAB members were present at the Open Day and Julie Doyle kindly sent the image below of she and Christopher O'Mahony with the ANZAC Bell (the 7th).

Ypres ANZAC bell with Julie Doyle and Christopher O'Mahony

The images below, of the assembled ring and the ANZAC bell, were supplied by Dave Kelly of the Keltek Trust.

Beels for St George's, Ypres, Belgium

In Ypres today there are two great memorials to the fallen of the First World War, perhaps the best known of which is the Menin Gate. St George’s however, equals this both in importance and in perpetuating a daily act of remembrance.

Ypres ANZAC bell

You can learn more about the Bells4StGeorge project and the fascinating history of St George's Memorial Church by following these links, and read about the Taylor's Foundry Open Day in The Ringing World for August 18, 2017 (no. 5547).

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