First posted: 28 February 2021

Women in Ringing Celebrations

group of women outside

VIC ringers, organised by Deryn Griffiths, marked the 125th anniversary of the first woman, Alice White, to ring a tower bell peal the weekend of 27-28 February.

Eleven women and two men met at St Pius X, West Heidelberg for a general practice on the Saturday (see photo above). They achieved an all female quarter peal of Grandsire Doubles and an all female quarter peal of Plain Bob Doubles.

The weekend included one further QPA and some handbells. We will be working towards a first QP sometime this year for a couple of the women who attended.

Thanks to all who participated, the two who came from NSW, the two who came from Ballarat, those who provided lifts and the one that hosted afternoon tea.

group of women outside

Deryn Griffiths
February 2021

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