First posted: 10 October 2018

Remembrance Day Ringing - Sunday, 11 November 2018

Ringing Remembers

Ringing Remembers

As you may have seen in The Ringing World of August 31, 2018 (no. 5601, p. 852), this international campaign to recruit 1,400 ringers as an act of remembrance of the 1,400 ringers who lost their lives in World War I has now achieved and indeed surpassed its target, with over 2,000 people having signed up. This includes quite a few from Australia and New Zealand.

The Ringing Remembers campaign will continue to run up to 11th November 2018, so please do encourage any new recruits to sign up.  Visit the Central Council website page and click on the link "Register" near the end of the page. Those already being taught to ring should then click on "Already learning" and fill in the details.  While it is hoped that many of these recruits will join in the ringing on Armistice Day, there is no commitment involved beyond being counted as one of this historic band of recruits. Recruits can also choose to join Facebook and Twitter groups connected with Armistice 100 if they wish.

If you have, or are about to, sign up to the Ringing Remembers website, please ensure your contact details are correct by Thursday October 11, 2018. All of those who have signed up will be sent a badge to mark the occasion. If people sign up after this date then they will still get a badge, but Ringing Remembers cannot guarantee it will be delivered in time for Armistice Day.

What and When to ring?

Ringing for Peace 2018

The British Government, which is sponsoring the Ringing Remembers campaign, has suggested that UK towers might wish to ring muffled or half-muffled at or near 11 a.m. on Sunday 11th November, as a specific act of remembrance, followed by open ringing at 12.30 p.m. (which could include peal or quarter peal attempts).

However the Central Council has added the further comment regarding ringing in UK that "knowing the national mood to acknowledge this centenary, CCCBR encourages all ringers to respond as they see fit, taking into account the wide variety of local circumstances."

This particularly applies in Australia and New Zealand, with our different time zones, huge geographical range of towers, and different arrangements within different communities. So while ANZAB strongly encourages all towers to ring on 11th November, we suggest that your first responsibility regarding what to ring, and when to ring, should be to fit in with whatever your local church, civic authority or local community wants. If your tower has not yet discussed this, we suggest that consultation needs to begin soon. Please also do give any recruits who have joined the Ringing Remembers Armistice 100 band a chance to ring on the day, at whatever level they have reached.

The Historical Record

ANZAB towers are used to sending details of successful peals and quarter peals to BellBoard.  As usual, please report any peals or quarters that you ring at or near Remembrance Day to BellBoard.

There is now an official BellBoard event for all ringing on and around the centenary of the World War One Armistice, on 11th November 1918. Follow the link on the front page of BellBoard or go to

Please add your planned attempts and then link your completed performances of any length: tolling, touches, quarter peals or peals. You may wish to link performances to other events as well, for instance if there is also a local project to mark the occasion.

Peter Harrison – ANZAB President
David Smith – Central Council Executive

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