First posted: 16 July 2023
The recent Harrison-Sorell family visit to Sydney prompted a weekend of ringing for Sydney and interstate women (and youth) to build heavy bell and conducting skills, and to work towards improving the ANZAB statistics. See the first women's QP on the back eight at St Mary's, and the first women's QP of Stedman for ANZAB.
The Stedman Triples quarter peal band at Darling Point
Additionally there were quarter peal attempts of Plain Bob Minor and Grandsire Caters (34cwt tenor), allowing skills development for conductors Natalie Shea and Kathi Downs, as well as the members of each band.
Overall it was a successful and worthwhile gathering for all involved.
Kathi Downs and Deryn Griffiths
latest first
Becoming a member of ANZAB - 3 February
Bells for St Canice, Katoomba - 18 January
Sharing Tower Publicity Resources - 2 January
Armidale 28th Anniversary Weekend - 4 December
Training in Bathurst, Lithgow, Katoomba and Sydney - 29 November
St James' Brighton Update - 23 November
Publications and Merchandise Page Updated - 21 November
ASCY Master's Challenge and Dinner Invitation - 14 November
Online Lectures - 5 November
Wellington Ringing Festival - 29 October
Sydney Ringing School - A Participant's Perspective - 26 October
Sydney 12-Bell Weekend - 20 October
Hoskins Day Ringing 2024 - 17 October
Goulburn Extension - 11 October
Sydney Ringing School Interim Report - 7 October
Useful Publicity Resources - 26 September
Central Council of Church Bell Ringers AGM - 17 September
Brisbane to Sydney Delight Singles - 6 August
New Bells Arrive in Christchurch - 2 August
ANZAB Peal of Kent Treble Bob 16 - 20 July
Intermediate Ringing Weekend in Maryborough - 12 July
Update to the Constitution - 5 July
Bells to arrive in Christchurch - 26 June
Peals at Manuka and Goulburn, 15-16 June - 24 June
ART Course, Sydney, 4 May 2024 - 6 June
NZ Training Weekend - 15 May
Feedback helps everyone - 9 May
Advanced Ringing Weekend in Sydney - 30 April
Gender-based statistics update - 22 April
Training Quarter Peals - 16 April
Stedman Peal - The whole thing was risky! - 11 April
First open peal at St Patrick's Melbourne - 11 April
Macarthur Region Tour - 9 April
12-bell Weekend, Hobart - 6 April
Surprise Major Weekend in Adelaide - 29 March
Advanced Ringing Weekend in Victoria - 25 March
Ringing School (Intermediate) Bundaberg - 22 March
Advanced Ringing Weekend in Perth - 4 February
Fun with Bells podcast - 27 January
Lismore's staged return to ringing - 9 January
Brisbane Advanced Ringing Weekend - 16 December
Palmerston, NT, Inaugural Ring - 14 December
Peal for the 50th Anniversary of the First Ladies Peal on Tower Bells in Australia - 12 December
Wahroonga - Inaugural Ring - 11 December
The First Ladies Peal on Tower Bells in Australia (50th anniversary) - 1 December
Frame installed at Wahroonga - 21 November
Armidale 27th Anniversary Weekend - 14 November
Wellington Ringing Festival Report - 25 October
Sydney Ringing School Report - 24 October
12 Bell Weekend Report - 11 October
Tassie Ringers on Tour - 29 September
St Boniface Bunbury - a ring that nearly was ... - 26 September
Repair Work at Lismore - 18 September
ex-Burnley Bells to ring out in Wahroonga - 12 September
Palmerston Bells Arrive in Darwin - 4 August
Bring Them Here Vigil (Ballarat) - 23 July
Two Island Cluster meeting - 23 July
Handbell Peal in New Zealand - 23 July
Women's Ringing Weekend - 16 July
Women in Peals - 11 July
Tower Directory Upgrade - 5 July
Congratulating Helen Pettet - 30 June
Pam Brock OAM - 12 June
Naremburn 10th anniversary - 30 May
Training in Darwin - 12 May
Ringing for the Coronation of HM King Charles III - 7 May
ANZAC Day Ringing 2023 - 27 April
Wellington 12 Bell Weekend Report - 19 April
Christchurch Cathedral Update - 18 April
Bell Ringing Health and Saftey Project - 30 March
Women in Ringing - 22 March
Surprise Major Weekend in Adelaide - 15 March
Surprise Major Weekend in Victoria - 2 February
Update of ANZAB statistics classifed by gender - 19 January
Armidale Anniversary Weekend 2022 - 2 November
Sydney Ringing School Report - 11 October
12 Bell Weekend Report - 11 October
Information for Steeple Keepers - 28 September
WA Branch Practice - 28 August
ANZAB Abroad - 16 August
Ringing for Funerals - 13 August
Bells Hung in Darwin - 4 August
Adelaide Anniversary Weekend - 4 July
Central Council Trustee Nominations - 6 June
Ringing for the public - 31 May
Launch of Sonneur - 7 May
Ringing Featured on Channel Seven - 7 May
Caters Practice at CCSL - 1 May
Confessions of a sexist ringing master - 25 April
90th Birthday Celebrations - 15 April
ANZAB 12 Bell Weekend, Brisbane - report - 22 March
ART Ringing Course Report - 13 February
St Paul's Geelong Fundraising Appeal - 5 February
New Tower for NZ - 15 January
News from Rosemeadow - 31 December
The Alphabet Ring now in Bridgetown - 27 December
Belfry Access (Geelong) - 13 December
ART Ringing Course Report - 1 December
Fred E Dukes International Bell Fund - 21 November
Commissioning of Goulburn Ringers - 17 November
AUS/NZ Instagram Account - 14 November
Ballarat Town Hall - Installation of Mayor - 1 November
Cautious re-opening - 20 October
WA Branch Practice - 1 October
Handbell Peal in Wellington - 27 September
Bells for Darwin - 13 September
Ron's Workshop - 28 August
ANZAB Festival Quarter Peals - 14 June
Refurbishment before ANZAB 2021 - 26 May
ART Course at Randwick - 26 May
Richard Fidler interviews Paul Livingstone - 21 May
Goulburn-Canberra-Yass Tour - 16 May
ANZAC Weekend Ringing in Queensland - 8 May
Easter Ringing in Goulburn - 15 April
Ringing for the Duke of Edinburgh - 13 April
Locally hosted on-line servers - 15 March
Women in Ringing - new web page - 11 March
ART Award to Laura Goodin of Melbourne - 8 March
Women in Ringing Celebrations - 28 February
Women in Ringing Celebrations - 15 February
Bells for Eastwood, NSW - 23 January
Women in Ringing - 16 January
First Ringing at St Patrick's, Parramatta - 24 December
Perth Bell Tower 20th Anniversary Celebrations and Laura Ivey's Retirement - 21 December
Hamilton Celebrates 70 years of Change Ringing - 15 December
Tower Ringing Restarting in Melbourne - 9 December
New Old Chiming Bell at Orange - 16 November
Handbell Motion Controllers - 8 November
Wellington Ringing Festival 2020 - 3 November
Parramatta Bell Frame Arrives - 3 November
Walkerville Rehanging Update - 3 October
Cockatoo Shield returns to Orange - 23 September
Walkerville Rehanging Update - 23 September
Blessing of Bells (Parramatta) - 9 September
Darwin Tower Project On Hold - 3 September
Earthquake Strengthening - 2 August
Stedman Cinques Handbell Peal - 29 July
RSL Request - 19 July
Ellacombe Chimes Bicentenary - 12 July
Richmond NSW - 9 July
Tidying up at Randwick - 29 June
St James' Brighton - May 2020 Update - 27 May
COVID-19 Update - 11 May
Tower Photos - Challenge - 7 May
Roofing Work Underway in Orange - 28 April
Armidale Commemorates ANZAC Day 2020 - 26 April
St Jude's Randwick - Tolling the Tenor on ANZAC Day - 25 April
Out-of-tower Activities - Part 2 - 14 April
Out-of-tower Activities - 2 April
Ringing in Australia and New Zealand - a Message from the ANZAB President - 23 March
ANZAB Festival Update and Contingency Plans - 21 March
Young Wellington Ringer Wins ART Award - 15 March
Festival of Bells Postponed - 13 March
Manuka Ringing Weekend - 11 March
Vale! George Pipe - 5 March
Wringing Out (Burwood) - 13 February
Bendigo Update, January 2020 - 26 January
Ballarat, Australia Day 2020 - 26 January
Australia Fires - 18 January
Canberra Summer Ringing, January 2020 - 8 January
Vale, Hilary Davies - 7 January
New Year's Eve - St Mary's Cathedral, Sydney - 7 January
New Year's Eve - Claremont - 2 January
Festival of Bells, Melbourne, March 2020 - 31 December
Lithgow ART Modules, November 2019 - 9 December
Wellington Ringing Festival 2019 - 28 November
Armidale 23rd Anniversary Weekend - 21 November
Sydney Ringing School, October 2019 - 18 November
Ringing World Print Subscriptions - 13 November
ANZAB Safeguarding Guidelines - 5 November
ANZAB 12 Bell Weekend, Perth - report - 4 November
Stephen Young - 1 October
Walkerville Rehanging Project Begins - 1 October
St James' Queen's Square Bicentennial Weekend - 29 September
Auckland Heritage Festival Bellringing Open Days, 12-13 October 2019 - 19 September
Alphabet Ring on the Move Again - 2 September
Ringing Suspended at Orange due to Roofing Problems - 30 August
Parramatta Cathedral Bells Arrive - 31 July
New ART Tutor - Kathi Downs - 5 July
First Ringing of the Bells at Christ Church, Bundaberg - 30 June
CCCBR Framework for Method Ringing - 9 June 2019
Christopher O'Mahony to Return to Australia - 7 June 2019
Bundaberg's 5th - a Fine Adjustment - 23 May 2019
Grandsire Caters rung by a Ladies Band in Sydney - 23 April 2019
Fun with Bells - a podcast series - 15 March 2019
Who Let the Dogs In at Manuka? - 12 February 2019
John Maloney receives Lismore Australia Day award - 30 January 2019
Storm Damage Causes Suspension of Ringing at Lismore - 27 January 2019
Ronald Edward Shepherd OAM - 26 January 2019
Another Letter of Appreciation for Armistice Centenary Ringing - 22 December 2018
Letter of Appreciation for Armistice Centenary Ringing - 3 December 2018
First Ringing at Ingleburn - 21 November 2018
ANZAC Bell installed at The Bell Tower, Perth - 3 November 2018
First Handling Lessons at Ingleburn - 1 November 2018
Bundaberg Bells have arrived - 23 October 2018
Remembrance Day Ringing - Sunday, 11 November 2018 - 10 October 2018
NEANZAB Ringing School - September-October 2018 - 3 October 2018
Ron Shepherd Meets His Tribute Bell - 22 August 2018
Have Mini Ring, Will Travel - The Little Toze Mini Ring - 22 August 2018
An Interesting Sighting - Bells for Parramatta and Bundaberg - 10 August 2018
Bells for Parramatta - 3 August 2018
Bells for Bundaberg - 3 August 2018
Ingleburn's Bells Have Arrived - 23 July 2018
Central Council Meeting, May 2018 - 29 May 2018
Ringing Remembers - 26 March 2018
NEANZAB 8 Bell Striking Competition Results - 13 March 2018
Central Council Annual Meeting 2018 - 5 March 2018
How good is your tower photo? - 9 February 2018
Peal for England! Church bells to be protected in planning rules from noise complaints - 21 January 2018
Learn to Ring - January 2018
Ringing for Peace - Armistice 100 - 15 November 2017
Sydney Ringing School - 4 October 2017
Call for volunteers for CCCBR reform workgroups - 15 September 2017
Christchurch Cathedral to be Rebuilt - 11 September 2017
An Update from Ypres - 8 September 2017
Bells for Rosemeadow and Ingleburn - 1 September 2017
ANZAB appointments to CCCBR reform teams - 25 August 2017
Bells for St George's, Ypres, Belgium - 19 August 2017
Bexley Bells - 16 August 2017
UK Heritage Open Days, September 2017 - 16 August 2017
Rope repairs at St James' Queens Square - February 2017
Rosemeadow, New South Wales - 7 October 2016
Green Point, Gosford, New South Wales - 7 October 2016
Australian and New Zealand Association of Bellringers Limited ACN 656 214 489 ABN 94 939 034 781 NZBN 9429052491085
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