First posted: 5 March 2018

Central Council Annual Meeting, Lancaster University, UK, 26-28 May 2018

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The Central Council meeting weekend in 2018 is following a NEW format, themed on inclusion and outreach. As well as the annual meeting itself, there is a wide variety of seminars, sessions, stalls and activities on offer for ALL ringers.

We are pleased to announce that we are now taking online bookings from ALL RINGERS.

Day tickets are available for £12 per person – with free entry for under 18s! Accommodation options are available at an extra cost.

Available all weekend:

  • Lichfield Mobile Belfry running demonstrations
  • Carter Ringing Machine and Woodhouse Ringing Machine running demonstrations
  • First World War Rolls of Honour on display
  • CCCBR publications stall
  • Association of Ringing Teachers stall

Saturday afternoon activities:

  • Hands-on tower maintenance seminar (courtesy of the current Towers & Belfries Committee)
  • Stewardship & Management Guidance seminar (courtesy of the current Tower Stewardship Committee)
  • Biographies seminar (courtesy of the current Biographies Committee)
  • Bell Restoration Projects seminar (courtesy of the current Bell Restoration Committee)
  • Public Relations seminar (courtesy of the current PR Committee)
  • Youth Leadership Forum

Sunday afternoon activities:

  • An open meeting by the Guild of Clerical Ringers on the theme of mature clergy / ringer relations, challenges and opportunities
  • An open meeting on the proposed new central ringing organisation rulebook

Christopher O'Mahony
CCCBR President

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