First posted: 31 May 2022

Ringing for the public


WA ringers are trying to raise their profile. In a recent article in Look To! (available to ANZAB members through the Members' section) they note that most of the (hundreds of) quarter peals rung for various celebrations and commemorations go unnoticed. One of their strategies for lifting their profile is to ring for worthwhile events and get credit for it.

To help with cross-promotion they have a new Facebook page and a new Instagram account. (Search on "BellRingersPerth" for each.)

For example, when the HMAS Perth (I) Memorial Foundation ran an exhibition at the Perth Town Hall earlier this year, the St Martin’s Society offered to ring for it. The Foundation in turn invited the ringers to put up a display at the exhibition. A pull-up banner promoting ringing was displayed with a bell rope. Flyers specific to the event (see right) were available and a quarter peal was rung immediately following the official opening of the exhibition.

Based on an article by Julie Taylor
31 May 2022

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