First posted: 29 July 2020

Stedman Cinques Handbell Peal, 24 July 2020

The first ANZAB handbell peal on 12 was rung at the Perrins' household in Eastwood. Details are below and on BellBoard.

Christopher O'Mahony said it was "an honour and privilege to be part of this ANZAB milestone", and that he is looking forward to a replay "just to prove it wasn't a fluke."

Murray-Luke Peard says he is looking forward to more attempts on 12, but will "have to learn to grip the handbells less firmly before the next attempt!"

The only other so far in ANZAB territory was rung in Perth in 2005 by visiting members of the Ancient Society of College Youths.

bellboard peal report

Peal Band

The band clockwise from front right.

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