First posted: 7 June 2019

Christopher O'Mahony to Return to Australia

The following note, dated 7 June 2019 and of likely interest to Australian ringers, has been posted on the CCCBR website.

Christopher O'Mahony

Today CCCBR Secretary Mary Bone has circulated the formal notice of our 2019 Annual Meeting.

Some may wonder why the notice invites nominations for the position of President.

Although it's always been my longer term intention to return downunder to the land of my birth, a change in my personal circumstances has brought this intention forward. There's no conspiracy theory, no political flouncing, no threat of impeachment proceedings – call it plain old homesickness if you like. So, it's time for me to pass the torch, with my resignation taking effect from the end of the CCCBR weekend on Sunday 8th September.

Rest assured CCCBR, and indeed ringing in general, is in great shape. It's been a privilege, albeit a daunting one, to help steer the Council through its biggest reforms in over a century, and the evidence of a renaissance in ringing is all around us. But this task is far from over.

The need for a central ringing organisation has never been greater – to act as an advocate for ringers nationally and internationally, to liaise with key third parties in church, government and elsewhere, to provide guidance and support for societies, towers and individual ringers, to encourage excellence in all things ringing. And the need for suitably qualified, motivated, passionate and charismatic leadership is essential in carrying this work forward.

As well as President, we are inviting nominations for a number of positions. As ever we are keen to attract individuals who bring specific qualifications and skillsets that can help us to promote an environment in which ringing can flourish. To paraphrase the late John F Kennedy:

Ask not what ringing can do for you, rather ask what can you do for ringing?

Christopher O'Mahony
Central Council President

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