First posted: 7 May 2023

Ringing for the Coronation of HM King Charles III

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Records of Ringing for the Coronation of King Charles III (worldwide)

Ringing by the Australian and New Zealand Association of Bellringers

Peals rung for ANZAB

Quarter Peals rung for ANZAB

Shorter ringing by ANZAB

If your ringing does not appear in the lists above, check with the Ringing Master or Conductor that it has been submitted to BellBoard and linked to the Coronation event.

Key Performances of Note

Two peals were rung with the method King Charles Delight, in Goulburn and Walkerville. A third peal, with the method of Cornwall Surprise, was rung in Sydney.

Four ringers who rang for Queen Elizabeth's Coronation rang again for King Charles III. These were Graeme Heyes (Albury), Mike Toze (Brisbane), Dennis Woodhams (Canberra) and Enid Roberts (Randwick).

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