First posted: 6 June 2022

Central Council Trustee Nominations


This notice has been posted on the CCCBR website:

At the CCCBR AGM in Nottingham this September nominations are required for the election of Secretary and two Ordinary Trustees. Alison Everett, one of the retiring Ordinary Trustees tells us a little bit about the role and why its important here. If you, or someone you know is interested, please complete a nomination from which can be found here and send it to the Secretary by 23rd July 2022.

David Smith is the other retiring trustee. He and Alison have written an article, New Trustees profile, which will be published soon in the Ringing World. David urges all Australian and New Zealand ringers, of whatever level of experience, to have a look at the article and give serious consideration to nominating for the position of Trustee. Contact him for further information about what is involved if you wish.

6 June 2022

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