First posted: 12 July 2020

Ellacombe Chimes Bicentenary 2021

Information Leaflet Thumbnail

Mike Gates, Secretary Bitton Parish History Group, has sent the following information and invitation.

We would be delighted if you could join us in celebrating the 200th anniversary of the invention of the Ellacombe Chimes on 26 June 2021. We are planning to ring bells across the world. We hope that normal change ringing and carillons will also participate. More information is available here.

It was the vicar of St Mary’s, Bitton who, having had enough of unruly and often drunken bell ringers, devised the mechanism now known after him as ‘Ellacombe Chimes’. A website dedicated to all forms of tower bell chiming has further information here.

asks that you let him know if you plan to participate, so they can include you in the publicity and press coverage for the event.

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